Introduction: Shotgun Bullets, Can Be Used in Every Knex Gun! (mod)

About: This part used to be full of crap but I finally deleted all of it. I'm Tigernod. I'm a student from North Brabant. You are all awesome and I love you. <3
I was a working on the Heavy support splodie rifle, and halfway there I found out that this gun could alos support other types of ammo! So I kinda played with modefied oodammo and then I though of an instructible I sa a few months ago on shotgun ammo. I searched for shotgun rounds but it didn't gave me any results. I think the guy that made it removed the bullets. So I though "hey,I know how these things work, so why don't I go and make em?" So I made two differnt versions; one for normal knex guns and one for Infinnion's HSSR. I do think however it may need one little improvement, I'll post that later. For now, lets get building!

PS: Credit to the maker of shotgun ammo and Darth trainman for the idea of priming the bullets.

Step 1: Parts List

These are all the parts you need for the normal bullet;

1 Yellow rod
1 Red rod
1 Orange connector
1 Black thingie
Up to 24 blue spacers. More will increse the number of shrapnel but decrease the power.

For the HSSR version you need:

1 Green rod
1 Red rod
1 Orange connector
1 Black thingie
Up to 24 blue spacers. More will increse the number of shrapnel but decrease the power.

Allright, you know what you're doing. For great justice.

Step 2: Normal Bullets

Follow the Images and this small description.

1 Make this.
2 Add some rings. Please notice this is the HSSR version.
3 Add this, and your'e done! To fire it, go to the next step.

Step 3: Fire in the Hole!

First, put the yellow rod side into the barrel. Remove the black thingie and place it as in the picture. Pull back your bolts, take aim, and get ready to pump some spacers in someone's face!

Step 4: HSSR Version

Well, not really a step, just make the normal one and replace the yellow rod with a green.

Allright, hope you like it, plz comment!