Introduction: Show-Your-Colours Lava Lamp

Supplies Needed:

  1. A Mason jar
  2. Three cups (Measuring Cups) of water
  3. Two cups (Measuring Cups) of Orbeez
  4. One half a cup (Measuring Cup) of cooking oil
  5. A funnel (optional) for ease of pouring into the Mason jar

Step 1: ​Assemble Supplies

Step 2: Water in Mason Jar

Step 2: Fill the mason jar with three cups (measuring cups) of water; use a funnel for ease

Step 3: Add Oil to Contents of Mason Jar

Step 3: Add half a cup (measuring cup) of of cooking oil; use a funnel for ease

Step 4: Add Orbeez to Contents of Mason Jar

Step 4: Add two cups (measuring cups) of hydrated Orbeez

Step 5: Screw Mason Jar Lid On

Step 5: Close the mason jar with its lid; Close the jar so it is water-tight

Step 6: A Colourful Lamp Is Born!

Step 6: Turn the jar upside down and watch your lava lamp come alive!

Step 7: