Introduction: Simple CMD/PHP Chat!

About: I like programming and robotic!

Hi! In this tutorial I will show you how to make a simple chat!

Step 1: Code 1

Open notepad and write this:

@echo off
color 0a

title Chat

echo Hi, welcome to Chat!


set /p username=Enter your name:

echo %username% had joined! >>join.dat


set /p message=Say:

goto :send



echo %username%: %message% (%time%)>> log.dat

goto :message

Now save this as Chat.bat

Step 2: Code 2

Open a new file in notepad and write this:

@echo off
color 0a



type join.dat


type log.dat


timeout /t 2

goto read

Save this document as reciver.bat

Step 3: How to Make the Chat to Work?


Now we need to open both tabs!

And that's it! I hope you succeeded and you liked it!

Here are the