Introduction: Simple Fruit Plate Design

About: Made in Canada, I grew up crafting, making, and baking. Out of this love for designing and creating, I pursued a degree in product design from Parsons School of Design in NYC. Since then I've done work for Mar…
A simple fruit plate is my go to dish for potlucks. It's quick, easy, and I always head home with an empty plate.  (a.k.a. folks love fruit!) Putting together a good looking arrangement is successfully simple if you keep these three things in mind:

1. Choose fruits with contrasting colors and shapes. This helps create a visually dynamic 'landscape'.
2. Avoid apples and bananas. They tend to brown quickly, making your plate look dingy. 
3. Provide a separate side dish for the rinds and end bits.  This will keep them from ending up back on the plate and creating a messy, picked over look. 

Optional tips:

- supply a small side dish of tooth picks so those that partake can avoid getting their hands sticky
- make a small side bowl of fresh whipped cream to dip the fruit in

Whichever fruits you end up picking, rest assured that your plate will be a hit!