Introduction: Simple Gnat Trap With Your Grill

Catch gnats with the grill and a little cooking oil

Step 1: Set Up Grill in Snakecoal Fassion

Lay out a circle of coals (in a snake formation) and light one end, the coals will ignite in order, keeping the grill warm longer.
I began with the electric starter and got impatient so went for the firebricks.

Also good for long cooks on the grill like smoking.

I laid mine around the coal baskets for support since I didnt have enough coals for a full circle.

Step 2: Add Lid and Oil

When the one end is lit.

Put the lid on and rub it with grease/ cooking oil.
Close the top valve and just open the lower one a smidge or adjust to your grill to keep it burning slow. I had to adjust my top valve about 20min in so the coals didn't die out.

The gnats will get attracted by the black colour and smell off the warm oil, touch down to investigate and voila gnat kebab.
And its apparently safe to eat, "I've heard"..
But would maybe just recommend it for fish food or fertilizer for your plants.

Works best on windless and rain less nights, but a word of caution from the Swedish fire department about leaving your grill unattended in warm dry weather!

The gnats on the lid is just from the after heat of yesterdays barbeque.
The picture in swedish press from the north of Sweden which I got the Idea from was covered in a thick layer.

search for "knottfälla grillen" To see pictures.
Also cred to the Rosenberg family for creating this ingenious, simple and effective gnat killer that's even ecofriendly.

Greetings from Sweden
