Introduction: Simple Leather Bracelet

About: I'm a simple guy from a simple country called Latvia. I enjoy making useful (and sometimes not so useful) stuff to make people around me happier!

A month ago I decided to make another knife. To complete it, I had to buy some leather for the knife sheath. Some of the leather was left unused, so I took a piece of it and made a fancy braclet!

Step 1: Cutting the Leather

First of all, I took a piece of paper and folded it around my arm, to find out, how long the piece of leather must be.

Then I tought the shape of the braclet, so it would hold on my hand without any metal parts.

For cutting I used a simple razor blade.

Step 2: Cutting the Small Parts

Again, using a razor blade I cut the leather as shown in the pictures and then connected the both ends

I also knocked out two holes in the leather, so the both ends would hold together tighter.

Step 3: Holes

When the leather was cut to the desired shape, using this tool I knocked out holes on the both edges of the leather

Step 4: Design

For the design of the braclet I used ancient Latvian symbols. Each of them symbolises something else.

I burned the symbols into the leather, using a wood burning tool. I would suggest doing this in a well ventilated room, because the fumes are harmful.

Step 5: Finishing the Braclet

When the symbols were burned in the leather, I used a simple thread to sew around the edges of the braclet.

End product looks great and holds tight on my hand. It's a fun and easy project if you have a couple free hours and have nothing to do, and even more - you don't need expensive tools to make it!!

If you want this bracelet, you can buy it here on etsy