

Inbox View Profile
LocationRiga, LatviaJoined
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I'm a simple guy from a simple country called Latvia. I enjoy making useful (and sometimes not so useful) stuff to make people around me happier!


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Hand Tools Only Contest 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Hand Tools Only Contest 2016
Home Remedies Challenge 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Home Remedies Challenge 2016
Before and After Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Before and After Contest
Bicycle Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Bicycle Contest
Hand Tools Only Contest
Contest Winner Fourth Prize in the Hand Tools Only Contest
Leatherworking Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Leatherworking Contest
Metal Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Metal Contest
Great Outdoors Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Great Outdoors Contest

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