Introduction: Simple Shortbread

About: please vote on my most recent Instructables! Thanks!!
• 100g Unsalted butter (at room temperature) and extra for tray greasing.
• 50g Golden caster sugar and extra for sprinkling.
• 150g Plain Flour and extra for dusting.
• 1tbsp Semi-Skimmed milk.
• 1tbsp Cocoa powder.
• And any decorations you would like to add, this is optional.

• Wooden spoon
• Bowl
• Baking tray

Step 1: Butter and Sugar

• First of all, preheat your oven to 160C / 325F / Gas 3

• Cut the butter into small cubes and place into a bowl with the sugar.
• Now mix the butter and sugar with a wooden spoon until smooth and pale.

Step 2: Dough Making

• Next, slowly add the flour and use your hands to knead the buttery paste with the flour.
• Once the dough is starting to crumble and fall apart, add the milk and carry on kneading until your dough is all together.

Step 3: Rolling the Dough

• Now use the extra flour to dust your rolling surface.
• Next start rolling the dough so it is about 5mm thick.
• Once you have done that you can cut out your shortbread shapes, I have used a cutter but you can cut out squares with a butter knife.

Step 4: Oven Preparation

• Now use the extra butter to cover the baking tray.
• Next you put the shortbread cut outs on the tray, and you must make sure they are evenly spread across the baking tray.
• Once they are evenly spread you can use the coco powder to sprinkle on top of the shortbread moulds.
• You can now put put your tray in the oven on the middle shelf for aprox. 18 mins.

Step 5: Decorations

• Once the shortbread is out of the oven sprinkle the extra sugar all over. Then leave the shortbread for 10-15 mins to cool.
• Once it has cooled you can add your decoration (optional) to your shortbread.
• I would recommend writing icing to do different patterns. e.g. The finishing pictures.

Step 6: Thank You.

• You can now eat your finished shortbread!

I hope you enjoyed this guide to making simple shortbread, Thank You.
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