Introduction: Simple Way to Make Panelize PCB in Eagle Cad

About: Undergraduate , like to make new thing ,circuits and like to share my knowledge with others.

Are you eagle cad lover. But it has a little option to make PCB Panelize. This is a way of making PCB Panelize for your project.

Step 1: Make PCB Copy

  1. open your project and first you close the schematic diagram.
  2. use group tool and select all parts.
  3. then go to " run ULP ".
  4. click and select panelize & hit ok.
  5. then click execute.
  • Now you group all parts again and click ctri+c ( for copy )
  • click ctrl+V for paste.
  • make the panel as you wish.

now you may see eagle cad automatically rename parts numbers.

how can fix this?

you can fix that in cam process.

Step 2: Fix Auto Rename and Make Gerber File

you will see the new layer _tName.This is the same name layer which is created by ULP.

  • Go to cam process.
  • Click Silkscreen top.
  • Click edit layer.

tName & bName layers are showing parts numbers. eagle cad automatically changes values.

so we need same copy of value for each board.

  • in the edit layer unhidetNamelayer and select _tName layer and hit ok.
  • now you make actually copy of the board. click preview and watch.
  • then process the job and upload a file on any of Gerber viewer.

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