Introduction: Simple Phone-theft Alarm Shell Script
Last week my phone was stolen (most probably through the same window you see in the photo). I've decided to write a small but effective phone-theft alarm shell script that keeps checking whether phone is still on and within bluetooth range.
Step 1: Install the Script
Step 2: Browse Files on Phone(s) We Want to Protect
Browse file on each phone you want protected. You can close the file browser window once you get it. The phone will stay connected, and the script only needs to track the connections.
You're no ready to run the script.
You're no ready to run the script.
Step 3: Run the Script
- Run the script in a terminal.
- You'll see the list of the phones you're browsing, and their rssi (received signal strength information) level.
- If a phone gets below the value the value of MINRSSI (in the script file), or gets powered off, the script will start beeping.
Move the phone around the house in order to decide what's the optimal value for MINRSSI