Introduction: Smart City Solutions Built on Bolt

Cities are the main poles of human and economic activity. They hold the potential to create synergies allowing great development opportunities to their inhabitants. However, they also generate a wide range of problems that can be difficult to tackle as they grow in size and complexity. Cities are also the places where inequalities are stronger and, if they are not properly managed, their negative effects can surpass the positive ones. Urban areas need to manage their development, supporting economic competitiveness, while enhancing social cohesion, environmental sustainability and an increased quality of life of their citizens. With the development of new technological innovations -mainly ICTs- the concept of the “Smart City” emerges as a means to achieve more efficient and sustainable cities.

Since its conception, the Smart City notion has evolved from the execution of specific projects to the implementation of global strategies to tackle wider city challenges. Thus, it is necessary to get a comprehensive overview of the available possibilities and relate them to the specific city challenges.

Our model proposes to introduce a smarter way as to look into existing frameworks to manage the cities assets- parking,Energy Efficient Buildings and street lighting systems.

Step 1: Materials

2 Arduino Uno

1 Bolt Iot Platform

1 Proximity Sensor

1 16*2 LCD display



1 1k ohm Resistor

Jumper Wires

Step 2: Schematics and Circuit Diagrams

Streetlight System-

LDR- One end of LDR is connected along with one end of Resistor with an Arduino pin(pin A0). The other end of LDR as well as Resistor is given Ground.
LED- One end is connected to an Arduino Pin(pin 5) wheres other end is given Ground

Parking System-

The LCD alone would consume up 11-12 pins
The working of potentiometer in LCD is just to adjust the brightness of the screen. We can exclude the potentiometer by declaring an exact amount of brightness. Attach the pins as per the diagram now for other components. Promixity sensor- one pin goes to high(5v), one to low( gnd) and the last one is for Analog output (pin A0). connect One pin of Green as well as Red LED to pin 7 and pin 8 wheres as other one to gnd

Energy Efficient Buildings-

Bolt Iot Platform is sa,e as Arduino Uno but with an attached functionality of connecting to a network
Bolt has 7 Digital Pins, Rx,Tx, 3 Analog pins and 2 Vcc and 2 gnd pins Connect +ve terminal or three LEDS with 3 pins(pins 0,1,2) and -ve terminals to GND Connect Bolt and your computer to the same wi-fi Network. for other configurations help access inventrom bolt website. upload the following code into the bolt. always save the code as index.htm bolt iot generates dynamic IP every time so check that ip using Fing Application and access that ip the current IP for my bolt is access to upload the program and then access to reset the bolt .

Step 3: Codes


int Contrast=15;

// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins

LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);

Int prox=A0; Int green=7;

Int red=8; Int p=0;

void setup() {


Serial.println("LCD test with PWM contrast adjustment");

pinMode(13,OUTPUT); analogWrite(6,Contrast);// set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: lcd.begin(16, 2); // Print a message to the LCD. lcd.print("LCD test!!");



pinMode(green,OUTPUT); }

void loop() {

p =digitalRead(prox); if (p==”HIGH)

{ digitalWrite(green,HIGH);


lcd.print(“SITE 1 is free”);

} Else {

digitalWrite(red,HIGH); digitalWrite(green,LOW); lcd.print(“SITE 1 is not free”); } }


Int a=A0;// One terminal of LDR is connected to pin A0

Int B=5; // LED is connected to pin 5

Int p=0; //threshold value

void setup()

{ pinMode(a,INPUT);


Serial.Begin(9600); }

void loop() {


If(p<20 )

{ digitalWrite(b,LOW);

} Else if (p>16) {

digitalWrite(b,HIGH); } }

Energy Efficient Buildings-




<h3> Home Automation/ Energy Efficient Buildings </h3>

<h4> Room 1</h4>

<button><a href="http://digitalWrite?pin=0&state=HIGH"> LIGHTS ON </a></button>

<button><a href="http://digitalWrite?pin=0&state=LOW"> > LIGHTS OFF<a/></button>



you can check my previous instructables for any help

Step 4: Working


Working of this module is simple. LDR detects the amount of sunlight
(light in this case) falling on its surface. It converts it into an analog value which is fed into variable p. Now threshold value is set. If p is greater than 20, it means that sunlight is bright, so the LED shouldn’t glow. If the amount is less than 16, it would mean that the amount of sunlight falling on the surface is less (evening) so it would automatically glow up.


Consider an empty parking space (Green LED Glowing) with
Proximity Sensor connected over it. As soon as a car fills up the space, a signal is sent over to the Arduino board which in turns would make the red LED glow depicting that the site is filled and immediately a message on LCD would be displayed.

Energy Efficient Buildings-

As soon as the user clicks on the button to turn the light on, and since the interface as well as the Bolt is connected in the same network, the bolt would generate the click of the user and produce the specified results.
this system can be easily implemented and a better interface could be built which would allow a user to easily control the electronics.

Invention Challenge 2017

Participated in the
Invention Challenge 2017

Explore Science Contest 2017

Participated in the
Explore Science Contest 2017