Introduction: Sonic Screwdriver
So before I begin this isn't really. Instructable I am just showing off my sonic screwdriver. So I recently got into doctor who and I thought I'd make a sonic screwdriver. The body is made out of pvc pipe and the black part at the bottom is the top of a mag light. The part that lights up is a car flashlight that you can charge in your cigarette lighter. I put a price of pic pipe around that, sanded it down and painted it silver. Then I placed a blue glass bead type thing on the top to make it shine blue. And of course to make it time on and off I used that metal rod which in my opinion looks different and interesting. At first I was going to try to copy the 9/10th doctors screwdriver but decided I wanted to make my own version of it. Because just like the doctors, we are all different :-) hope you all like it and feel free to say what you guys think in the comments.