Introduction: Spaghetti and Marshmallow Structures

About: MicroHackers is an edtech STEM startup that encourages kids to take control of their own learning, ask their own questions, and find their own answers.

Build structures and eat marshmallows, Yay!

Make a spaghetti and marshmallow structure.

You will need


  • 1 x Large bag of marshmallows
  • 1 x Packet of spaghetti

Step 1: Build the Structure

  1. Open the bag of marshmallows.
  2. Try not to eat them all yet.
  3. Open the bag of spaghetti.
  4. We need it dry, so don’t get it wet.
  5. Push a piece straight through the marshmallow.
  6. It’s easy to snap, so take care.
  7. Build yourself a giant structure, that towers up into the air.

Further ideas

  • Can you vary the structure to add strength?
  • Will diagonal struts make it strong?
  • Are some shapes wobblier than others?
  • Should the spaghetti be short or kept long?