Introduction: Special Effects Makeup

ever wanted to pull a great prank or just have fun doing special effects makeup? well here's a safe and easy way to do just that, safe because if you're allergic to liquid late. And don't get brave and attempt using liquid latex because most people are. then here is a great alternative.

Step 1: Creating the Mixture You Will Use

first you need these ingredients
- liquid glycerin (you can find this at Wal-Mart for about 3 dollars i recommend that you get a few bottles)
-gelatin ( like what you use to make jello, I recommend that you get a big box with several packets sugar free works best)

first you need one full packet of gelatin, put that into a bowl then kind of guesstimate at how much glycerin to put in( you want the texture when you're done with the following steps to be like thick syrup)
add a little bit of water probably about half a tsp. if not less then mix well. stick it in the microwave and set on 20 seconds, note that you can use this multiple times until you run out of it. only heat on 20 seconds the first time , the second time it will be 10-15 seconds .you can apply this with multiple things to your skin

the picture above is what it looks like while dry, it's floppy...

Step 2: Making Thick Blood

you can use the mixture and add some red and black Halloween creamlike makeup that comes in tubes that you can find at Wall-Mart around Halloween time, mix well and the mixture should have the same consistency. you heat this up the same way as the first mixture.

Step 3: Styles

you can make burn looks using popscicle sticks or your fingers even then add a lot of blood/not thick kind just runny blood from the tubes and rub all over then add brown makeup for the effect on the hand in the picture above

Step 4: Have Fun With It

I learned this in my art class at school, we had to do makeup for the haunted house and decided to go all out. these are just a few pictures of what I have done but my classmates have many pictures also. we even got to do makeup for the county when they had a type of test run emergency drill. we put a lot of makeup on people and put them in places all over our town. people were taken in ambulances and even care flighted just for this practice! it was a great experience.