Introduction: Sperm

Being a crafty type person, I was "blessed" with two boys, who aren't the slightest bit interested in crafts or pretty much anything else I like. However, every once in a while we manage to connect, so to speak, over a project. Browsing the web one day, my oldest son saw a picture of a stuffed sperm, and thought it was pretty cool. My natural instinct was to say " I can make that..." and thus this pattern was born. It was my first attempt at my own crochet pattern, after decades of making projects designed by others. I especially like the appearance of motion with the tail. Of course, once the first was made, son #2 requested his own, which sits on the headboard of his bed. One of these days I'll get around to an egg for the other side of the headboard.
Critter Contest

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Critter Contest