Introduction: Spooky Edible Eyeballs
Spookify any salad, veggie plate, carved pumpkin, or cocktail this Halloween with these edible radish eyeballs. Super simple to make, they are an easy way to startle guests and loved ones.
So let's get creepy!
Step 1: Supplies
All you need to make these are:
- large, round red radishes
- blueberries
- a pairing knife
- short bamboo skewers*
*These are a great way to help keep the eyeballs 'floating' in cocktails or to add them to Halloween themed flower arrangements.
Step 2: Making Bloodshot Eyeballs
Choose the roundest, most eye sized radishes of the bunch.
Then use a pairing knife to remove the end of the greens and the tip.
And now for the magic - use the knife to carve away the red skin in a wiggly and 'vein like' way so that the finished effect is that of bloodshot eyes.
Step 3: Carve Out the Iris Cavity
Using the pairing knife, carve out a blueberry sized 'iris' cavity in each radish eye where the greens were connected.
Step 4: Install the Iris
Put a blueberry into each iris cavity and press it into place. The blueberry will stay put as long as it isn't turned upside-down or shaken.
If you'd like to fix it more permanently, use a dab of cream cheese to 'glue' it in.
Step 5: Eyeballs on Sticks
If you're planning on adding these to a cocktail or some other vertical arrangement, where you want to control their placement, press them onto bamboo skewers. Doing this will allow you to arrange them into flowers, add them to plants, or have them hover just above the waterline of a drink. You could also add them to carved pumpkins for an extra creepy eye effect! Get creative - and send me photos of your creations!
Happy Making!