Introduction: As Seen on the Cover of the Practical Duct Tape Projects Book: Stars and Stripes Duct Tape Lawn Chair

We decided to fix-up my Grandmother's old lawn chair for the 3M Duct Tape Contest. Thanks for the idea and the opportunity!

Step 1: Clean Up the Chair

Cut off all the old straps and wipe off the aluminum with a damp rag.

Step 2: Preparation

We used a rust proof, hammered bronze spray paint finish. We applied several thin coats making sure it did not run.

Step 3: Making the Straps

Measure the width of the chair and add about 3 inches, which will allow an inch and a half on each side for the tape to wrap around the post. Stick it, sticky side up to two secure places (not on the chair). This step is to layer the tape to make it strong enough to sit on and to cover the sticky side. Make sure it's tight. Then place another layer of tape (sticky side to sticky side, leaving an inch and a half on each end uncovered) on top of the strips. Make sure it is aligned correctly. Once centered, slowly run your finger along the tape to stick them together. Be sure to remove as many air bubbles as possible. Repeat this step on the top and bottom to attain the desired strength. (more layers = more strength and less stretch). We did three layers.

Step 4: Putting It Together

We did all the red, horizontal strips first then wove the white and one blue strip through them. Make sure your straps are tight and evenly spaced. All vertical straps go under the metal bar in the back.


We can't wait to present our grandmother with her "new" Duct Tape chair on the 4th of July so she can sit and enjoy the fireworks in STARS AND STRIPES STYLE!!
The Great Outdoors Duct Tape Contest

Finalist in the
The Great Outdoors Duct Tape Contest