Introduction: Steampunk Time Traveler Street Cart-time Machine

About: Steampunk artist, scientist, engineer

is Steampunk street cart for:

1. Selling souvenirs

2. Move steampunk art to streets of city

3. Study purposes that shows "physics" experiments for children

Welcome to Lviv, Ukraine to see this mad-mind monster

We spend more than 6 month from beginning to finished cart.

On this inscrutable I’ll show process of assembling (when I have time to make a photo)

There were many peoples that help in building this huge project. Special Thanks a links for project page

A happy owner Igor Krysjuk

Official page

Thank for help

Design bureau Hochu rayu for everything. They are awesome

West Ukraine Motors for Pipe folding

Prototype mechanic team for Nixie watch and brass

Step 1: Nixie Clock, or Probably Time Manipulation System

This nixie
nixie watch was build as "time machine data-time manipulation system".

Time-machine spec

1. Left 6 tubes Time\date from travel begin

2. Right 6 tubes Time\date current

3. Calculation system (press buttons and you can calculate anything) for time-travel purposes

Tech spec

1. Arduino-like board (Atmel, probably atmega 328)

2. Time calculation (RTC + quartz counter correction)

3. USB keyboard as keyboard (on my previous inscrutable was described how-to)

4. 12in-14 tubs +2 dot tubes+1char-tube

5. 120+transistors

6. 22 SPI shift registers

7. 180 VDC for tubes and 5VDC for electronics

8. AC-line and battery power

9. All circuits was handmade

Program spec

1. Assembler

2. RTC DATE-TIME calculation

3. QUARTZ DATE-TIME calculation

4. Battery backup

5. Date-time are shifted to users time

5.1 When system powered on left time= right time (on left 6 tubes time are equal to time on right 6 tubes)

5.2 User can shift time left 6 tubes

5.3 right 6 tubes will show time now

6. Calculator 12 digits + dots

7. Visual effects

8. Unused on this project

8.1 Control of mesh moving

8.2 Control of ionophone

8.3 Control of other visual elements like fuel tank, etc

Step 2: Keyboard Panel

As donor was used junk-brass box.

Other parts were assembled from junk. Recycling...

Step 3: Brass Pipe

Brass pipe - Time traveler drum that hold ancient artifact.

We found on junk huge brass pipe with different diameter of walls. (I think it was part of some statue)

All parts were soldered by me....

Parts on photo 1-2-3-4 were cut from solid brass D16mm using lathe 100+ pieces (5m of solid brass).

Step 4: Assembling of Cart

photos for comments

What materials was used

1. 4 small wheels and one big bike wheels

2. The frame was welded from Steel angle

3. Umbrella and seat mounting - steel pipe

4. Walls - 20mm weatherproof plywood

4.1 Plywood parts was mounted using polymer clue

5. Big gear - plywood, steel

6. Wheel deco - painted plywood

7. Table - brass

8. Drum (casing for mechanics and nixie electronics) - Brass pipe, brass sheet, small brass pipes, brass junk.... bras...brass... brass

9. Moving elements

9.1 Some parts from old cars and unknown mechanics parts

9.2 Propeller -Old soviet car

9.3 Pulley - from junk bazaar

10. Electromotor with reducer

11. Disk from car (try to locate it on photos)

12. Nixies

13. Tesla, Ionophone, Generators, backup powers system..... Unused in final assembly

Step 5: Tube Mounting and Decoration

Part for

nixie tubes…. Nothing to say... or just 2 days of work

Step 6: Tesla Coil Experiments, Part That Will Be Included in Next Project

Parts that was excluded in last moment - tesla coil, ionophone, old high-voltage generator that was used for students expriments in the and of 19-th century.

Tesla coil:

1. Lighting in th air

2. Wireless electricity


1. Lighting in the air

2. Sound from lighting


1. rotate the wheel and youll get discharge in the air

2. big BOOM

WAH factor