Introduction: Strawberry Juice Recipe

About: I am a bogger , a recipe developer . My blog has step by step pictures of a recipe for easy understanding . To know More please check my website . Thanks!
Strawberry has amazing heath Benefits .  I was not a fan of strawberry earlier , but after reading about the benefits , I was amazed by its qualities . It aids in Glowing skin and keeps the wrinkles away . It is loaded with Vitamin C .

We had a box of strawberries in our home which was sour in taste , so I made this juice with the strawberries .They tasted so Good . Myself and my daughters enjoyed the juice on a hot Summer evening . Off to the recipe now .


    Strawberry - 12 to 15 nos
    Water - 2 cups
    Sugar - To taste
    Lemon Juice - ( Optional ) Depending on the sourness needed . I did not use it ,  as my strawberries were sour

Step 1:

Chop the berries and add them to a blender with some sugar if needed . Puree them .

Step 2:

Add 2 cups of water to the puree and mix . Filter them using a muslin cloth .

Step 3:

Add some lemon juice if needed . Serve chilled with some Ice cubes .

For this recipe visit .
<a href ="">Strawberry juice</a>
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