Introduction: Street Sketch Prototype Overview
For three days in April 2015, San Francisco’s Market Street was the site of the Market Street Prototyping Festival, which transformed the area into a public platform, showcasing exciting ideas for improving our famed civic spine and how we use it. studio1500’s design, Street Sketch, was one of 50 designs selected from over 200 entries from around the world.
The project was a partnership between the San Francisco Planning Department, the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, and the Knight Foundation.
The core of the 12 x 12 ft. structure was a free standing wall. The wall’s sidewalk-facing side served as the primary drawing surface, while the other three sides contained information about the project that encouraged people to be a part of the San Francisco creative community. This wall also created a barrier between the traffic along Market street resulting in a safe zone where people could interact. The chalk surfaces were devoted to drawing, generating a welcoming sense of place and made the area more conducive to social interaction.
Step 1: Constructing and Painting the Prefabricated Sections and Stools
The prototype sections were constructed off site and designed to be quickly tilted up and assembled in the busy urban landscape of the festival. Below is a breakdown of the time necessary for construction, painting, assembly on site, and application of typography.
Construction: Two experienced people 16 hours. All framing done off site. Pre-fabricated sections constructed of 3/4" exterior grade plywood and 2x4" studs. Screws are counter sunk and spaced every 12" along outside edges.
Painting sections: Two people 10 hours. All surfaces coated with primer. Black chalkboard panels require 2 coats of Rust-Oleum chalkboard paint. Orange surfaces require 2 coats of Banjamin Moore 2019-20.
Construction of circular stools: One person 4 hours. Stools are 14.5" in diameter and 17" tall and constructed from heavy duty Sonotubes. Have Sonotubes cut to 17". Cut circular top from 3/4" plywood to fit. Glue top to tube along inside edge.
Painting circular stools: Three people 4 hours. All surfaces coated with primer. Orange surfaces require 2 coats of Banjamin Moore 2019-20. Note: One 14.5" diameter 8" tall drum was created to hold multiple colored jumbo chalk.
Note: Sketchup file is available for reference. Request from
Step 2: Assembling the Structure on Site
Assembly on site: 3 people 2 hours. See Sketchup technical drawings for detailed instructions.
Step 3: Applying the Typography to the End Panels and Street Facing Side
Application of typography on site: 2 people 6 hours. Adhesive backed lettering applied to street facing side and end panel. Adhesive backed lettering is extremely time consuming and delicate to apply. Make sure experienced person is applying it and allow for about 6 hours on site to apply (must be done after assembly. To fragile to apply prior to shipping).
Step 4: Tear Down
Disassembly on site: 2 people about 1.5 hours.