Introduction: Sunshiine's Favorite Meat Loaf

About: I am married with two children. Spring, summer, and fall are my very favorite times of the year. I enjoy working in the yard, sewing, cooking, quilting, gardening, and creating. I do this to keep my sanity.
Nothing could get us kids home faster, than knowing mom was making meat loaf for dinner! Mouths were drooling and our bellies were groaning all the way home. She made it from scratch and there was never a crumb left over.  I never thought to ask her for the recipe, but one day I found one Online that reminded me of how I thought her meat loaf tasted. I believe it came from    I have modified it from the original version and we like it better. It reminds me of my mom's meat loaf! Every time I make this recipe, I get many compliments and I never have left overs.    

Step 1: Ingredients and Utensils

1 1/2 pounds of ground beef
1 cup dried bread crumbs or corn flakes
4  Tablespoons brown sugar
2 Tablespoons mustard
1/2 Cup ketchup
1 cup milk
1 beaten egg
1 Diced onion
1/2 Cup diced carrots
1 Cup diced celery
1 Diced bell pepper
Salt and pepper to taste
Bowls, measuring cups, loaf pan, knife, cutting board, spoon, whisk or fork, and oven.

Step 2: Wash, Measure, Dice, and Season

1 1/2 pounds of ground beef
1 cup dried bread crumbs or corn flakes
4  Tablespoons brown sugar 
2 Tablespoons mustard
1/2 Cup ketchup
1 cup milk

1 beaten egg

1 Diced onion
1/2 Cup diced carrots
1 Cup diced celery
1 Diced bell pepper

Salt and pepper to taste

Step 3: Method

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In large bowl combine the beef, beaten egg, onion, Milk, and the bread crumbs or crushed cornflakes.
Season with salt and pepper to taste.  
Combine the brown sugar, mustard and ketchup in a bowl.


Step 4: Place in Loaf Pan

Place the meat loaf into a lightly greased loaf pan.
Shape the edges. 
Spread the brown sugar mixture over the top.
Place it in the oven for approx 1 hour.  We are at 3500 feet and it takes mine longer than an hour to cook until well done.  
Save the left over brown sugar mixture and use as ketchup at the table for those who love the flavor.

Step 5: Sunshiine's Final Thoughts

I have used the base of this meat loaf recipe using different vegetables from left overs and garlic or other seasonings for a change.We always go back to my original, for the wonderful flavor and texture; as our favorite meat loaf recipe.  I do not speak for my daughter though. She makes it for her husband "The Condiment King," who likes a little hamburger with his condiments!  She also uses corn flakes instead of bread crumbs. The texture is not as firm as mine. It is fun to experiment though. Meat loaf could be sliced ahead and taken to a picnic for a quick slap on the grill.   

In closing I would like to thank our instructables company, sponsors, authors, readers, and members; for making this community a great success! Many hours and hard work has been put into making this place the best DIY on the Internet. Have fun and thanks for stopping by!
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