Introduction: Super Stratego

About: I am an ordinary guy. Except that I live in an RV, drive a 250cc motorcycle, have a truck that runs on bio-diesel, am vegetarian, and have had almost 30 jobs in 10 years, including armored truck driver, bicycl…
Same board, pieces, as basic rules as regular stratego, except that (almost) all the pieces have special powers:

1 and 2 are powerful enough already
3 (kamikaze) sacrifice it plus a bomb to take out any opponents piece on the board from anywhere
4 (air lift) can switch places with any one bomb or flag (once per 4, per game)
5 (marine) can walk over lake squares
6 (paratrooper) can jump over another piece (of either team)
7 (guerrilla) can move/attack diagonal
8 (bomb squad) can dismantle bombs (as in original rules)
9 (stealth scout) can move and strike on same turn
S (sniper) if it reaches last row (closest to opponent) becomes superspy. 
Superspy beats all number pieces - but only if it strikes first. It loses to everyone when defending.

Of course no piece has to use its abilities, and using them will reveal which piece it is.