Introduction: Sweet DIY AMP
I've been unsatisfied with the quality of inexpensive amp boards available and I can't afford high end stuff. I'm neither a electrical engineer nor a audiophile, but I'm an persistent maker that spent countless hours researching and designing a high quality amplifier that sounds great and can be built for an affordable price. I spent many hours laying out the PCB following the datasheet and industry guidelines for grounding and component placement.
This AMP uses a Texas Instruments TPA3122D2N
- Class D 25W AMP needs 10v to 30v input.
Schematic and PCB are are shared on EasyEDA. Designs are all open.
Step 1: Build
This project needs a custom PCB from your favorite PCB manufacturer.
- Order parts in BOM below
Gerber for ordering PCB
The SMD are 1206 size and easy to hand solder. The PCB is designed to fit a 94mm x 83mm x 30mm Aluminum Enclosure Box