Introduction: T-shirt Yarn Coaster

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A beginner knowledge of crochet is required for this project.


  • T-shirt yarn
  • Crochet Hook (6-10mm)
  • Hot Glue Gun

Step 1:

Begin with a simple slip knot.

Step 2:

Then proceed to chain 60 - 70 knots. Once finished, cut the thread.

Step 3:

Next, begin to roll the crochet inward and add dots of hot glue to secure the shape.

Step 4:

To ensure the coaster is flat, place a heavy object on it for 30 minutes then begin to use!

About the Creator:

Hi, I’m Haritha and I’m a student assistant at EXLAB! I like to think of myself as a pretty thrifty maker because I focus on upcycling. Upcycling is a creative way to help the environment and make something cool, I hope you enjoy my instructables!