Introduction: TF2 Spy Costume DIY
For all of you who play games such as tf2 you should know who the spy is. if not then let me sum him up, he is a hired mercenary along with the other 8 of the hired by Mann co. who uses disguise, knives and sharp looks to win.
Step 1:
What you need for this costume for cosplay and such is a:
- ski mask , if it has 2 eye holes just make one short cut in the middle.
- tan pinstripe suit
- dress shoes
- fancy leather gloves
-a metal watch
- a red tie
-white undershirt
If you want to be on the BLU team just switch all fabrics to navy blue. I strongly suggest going to the nearest Goodwill or second hand store to get these items under $20.
This is my first costume please comment other characters from games or movies and i will have them as soon as i can, thanks.