Introduction: Tetra Hydro Box Garden

I made these garden boxes per the instructions of brian3140 .
This is my first garden! Two years ago I helped clear, till, plant, weed, and harvest a patch of land with a couple of relatives, but, while I did get to enjoy the fruits of my- but mostly their- labor, it wasn't my garden.
I live on rented property and can't have a regular in-the-ground-type garden. But I love plants and home-grown vegetables, so I thought I'd try my hand at container gardening.
So far it has been a great success.
I grew all my plants from seed in various types of home-made and store-bought seed starters and then moved them to the boxes.
I also have a few flower plants, which so far have no flowers on them.

My plants:
yellow squash
apples (I can't remember what kind. oops.)
pickling cuccumbers (organic)

My garden isn't the fanciest, prettiest, or classiest. It doesn't even have fully-grown plants yet. But it's my garden!