Introduction: The Beginner's Guide to Soldering

About: Andrew Kamal is a techie by day, DIY enthusiast by night! Enjoy this small curation of projects.

Today I wanted to talk about the beginners guide to soldering. Soldering is a fairly important concept for those who want to fix electronics or make their own PCB with limited resources.

Step 1: Have Circuit Design in Mind

Have a circuit design in mind. Then test it on a breadboard and multi-meter before starting the soldering process.

Step 2: Wear Safety Equipment

Wear safety equipment and make sure to use helping hands when soldering. Use a solder tip and soldering iron and solder each electronic part piece by piece. (Always keep in mind it is best to solder on an anti-static mat or wear safety/anti-static gloves while soldering to not ruin the electrical components).

Step 3: Solder the Ends

Once the tips are done, solder each end point of the circuit then get ready to test your board. If you made a mistake, you can always use a solder pump or desolder.

Step 4: Desoldering

If all else fails, Adafruit has this wonderful desoldering guide