Introduction: The Disappearing Soda Prank
This Is a fun prank you can play on any soda drinkers. The main idea is that when your friend opens up a can of soda there is nothing inside. This prank is very simple and only takes a few minutes.
Step 1: Supplies
For this instructable you will need a hammer, a sewing needle, a soda can (full) and a glass
Step 2: Making the Hole
The first step is to tilt the can upside down and begin to hammer the needle into the bottom. This will make the hole which you will be pouring the liquid out of. Be careful when you remove the needle though, a fountain of liquid make come spurting out.
Step 3: Draining the Soda
Now pour the soda into the glass, you may want to do this over a sink because it is prone to spilling.
Step 4: Finished!
That's it! Now all you need to do is place the can back in the fridge and wait for your friend to come along!