Introduction: The Eye Within the Eye

I have always been fascinated with string art. When I saw this contest,I decided it was time to do my first instructable.

Step 1: Materials Needed

  • paper
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • Black thick chart ( i used fabriano sheet)
  • thread (i used embroidery thread) - white, multicolored pinks)
  • needle
  • pin or thumb tack
  • scissors
  • Paper clips

Step 2: Design Your Pattern

  • I drew out the pattern on a plain drawing sheet
  • My largest square is 28cm x 28 cm
  • The squares inside are drawn by connecting the midpoints
  • Mark the lines in gaps of 1/2 cm
  • Draw and check the pattern you prefer to use

Step 3: Transfer the Pattern Points to Main Sheet

  • Please ignore the pencil pattern because while I was doing it , I changed it .
  • Use a pin or thumb tack to mark the points

Step 4: Sheet With the Points Transfered

Step 5: Start Your String Art

  • You need to start with the smallest square
  • The second, third and fourth squares follow the same pattern

Step 6: Square 5

  • Join the points 1 with 1, 2 with 2, 3 with 3 etc
  • Do this for the bottom side also

Step 7: Square 6

  • Mark 9 points from each corner and join according to the pattern
  • After finishing the square , realized that it needed something more...... so added square 5 pattern to top and bottom parts

Step 8: Square 7

  • You need to follow the same pattern for the top and bottom sides
  • While I was doing it , I realized the strings were too long so they were becoming loose. So I decided to to weave it as I continued

Step 9: The Corners

  • I used white thread for the corners
  • Follow the pattern and join the like numbers

Step 10: Final Output

  • Used a whitener to put a dot in the center of the eye

I hope this instructable was easy to follow.

First Time Author Contest 2016

Participated in the
First Time Author Contest 2016

String Challenge

Participated in the
String Challenge