Introduction: The Inclusive Diabolo, Circus Is for Everyone - Production Manual

The inclusive diabolo is an addition to an original diabolo that ensures that everyone can have fun with circus tricks.

It can be used by everyone: beginners, experienced circus artists, duos, children, the elderly, people with disabilities, …


  • Non-stretch cotton fabric; 95x46 cm twice (preferably upcycled, fabric you no longer use)
  • Thin sewing elastic band; 40 cm twice
  • Sewing machine and sewing supplies

Step 1: Cut Out Fabric

Fold the fabric in half and cut out a rectangle of 95 x 46 cm, so that you end up with two separated identical rectangles on top of each other.

Tip: it can be easier to cut out an example pattern out of an old newspaper.

Step 2: Folding Width

Fold the fabric 7.5 cm inwards in width, on both sides.

Step 3: Handle

Cut a handle from this pleated piece of 4,5 x 10 cm, and fold it inwards. This on both sides.

Step 4: Folding Length

Fold the fabric 1.5 cm inwards in the length, on both sides. Fasten it with pins.

Step 5: Sew Length

Sew the length twice starting from 10 cm, first time 0.3 cm from the edge. In addition another 1.3 cm from the edge. On both sides.

Step 6: Sew Width

Sew the width on both sides, taking into account the opening for the diabolo sticks. View the attachment for a detailed sewing instruction.

Step 7: Insert Elastic

Insert an elastic (40 cm) through the length using a safety pin, on both sides.

Step 8: Sew Elastic

If the end of the elastic is just visible, sew it well.

Step 9: Sew Elastic

Keep pulling the elastic with the safety pin through to the end. Remove the safety pin when it is through and sew the elastic tight.

Step 10: End Result

If you followed these steps you will get this as the end result. Have fun.

Step 11: Optional; Iron-on Stickers

If you also want the stickers on the fabric for easier use, then you will have to follow the following steps:

  • download the pdf below
  • insert this file and your flexfoil into a cutting plotter in a public fablab (for example MaM Brugge)
  • follow the manual to use this plotter (can be found on the website of the fablab)
  • once the stickers are cut, remove the excess materials
  • lay the stickers shiny side up on the right spot and place a sheet of baking foil on top
  • go over it with an iron for a few seconds, safely remove the plastic foil from the sticker