Introduction: The PVC Pencil Case
Tired of those store-bought, flimsy pencil cases that you know are going to break the first few weeks of school? Well then, you've come to the right place! This instructable will teach you how to make an inexpensive and virtually indestructable pencil case out of PVC.
Step 1: Materials and Tools
All the materials needed can be obtained quite inexpensively at your local hardware store.
You will need:
8 inches of 1" PVC pipe
1" end cap (non-threaded)
1" male adaptor
1" end cap (threaded)
PVC glue
Hacksaw or some other sharp device to cut the PVC
You will need:
8 inches of 1" PVC pipe
1" end cap (non-threaded)
1" male adaptor
1" end cap (threaded)
PVC glue
Hacksaw or some other sharp device to cut the PVC
Step 2: Cutting the PVC and Glueing on the End Cap
Use the saw to cut the PVC down to 8 inches, then glue on the non- threaded end cap.
Step 3: Glueing on the Male Adapter
Now attatch the 1" male adapter to the other end of the pipe.
Step 4: The Boring Part
Lounge around a bit while you wait for the glue to dry. You might want to put a fan on it, you want those glue fumes out of there.
Step 5: Wrapping Up
When the glue is dry and the fumes are gone, slide some pencils in there, then screw the threaded end cap on. You might want to paint it, or leave it as it is.
Ta-da! You now have a convenient and extremely durable pencil case.
Ta-da! You now have a convenient and extremely durable pencil case.