Introduction: The Prophet: a Four Shot Turret Pistol

About: Hello, my name is Ondrew. My main interests all lie in design: from mechanical to digital to sound to graphic to... Past me finds it important to go to to help prevent Shell from dama…
As I think I've hinted in my profile: I've built a K'nex turret pistol.  I was going to call it 'ShadeShot,' but thought that didn't sound as cool as: The Prophet.  Anyways, it gets great ranges and looks really cool in my opinion.  I've recently discovered a setting on my camera where you can give pictures certain 'effects.'  The main picture in this Instructable uses one of those, and you can expect more like it.  

I will eventually post instructions for this little beauty.

It has:
A new TP4 design by yours truly.  This one is different from all the others in its design; I know there have been others, but mine, I think, is the first to have all the amenities of the TR8 in terms of layering and whatnot.  (When I post instructions, feel free to use it, and I don't even care if you give me credit or not; I'm a firm believer in the 'Give-the-technology-to-the-masses-and-I-don't-care-about-credit' mindset.)

Great Range (It goes across my basement with ease, and I have a HUGE extended basement.)

An Awesome Trigger (If you notice, it's the exact same trigger and handle from my model Walther PPK I made in this forum topic:

A very nice appearance. (Especially the shot with the color effect thing; it happens to look a lot like metallics for some reason.)

A comfortable handle.

Expect updates, instructions, more cool pictures, and the like.  This instructable is going to be entered into The Rods & Connectors Contest, and I really hope to have instructions by the end of it.  Enjoy the pictures for now; I'm hoping to make instructions sometime this week.

Pictures four through eight are courtesy of nerfrocketeer and Dr. Richtofen.  You should check out their profiles and subscribe for awesome stuff.

Toy Rods and Connectors Contest

Participated in the
Toy Rods and Connectors Contest