Introduction: The Underneath (Scene)

Hello, my name is Jade, and I really like to make stuff. I have been using Tinkercad a lot, mainly for fun. This is a fictional scene that I created. It shows a sentient robot, who guards the remaining wildlife of a planet ravaged by war. The robot itself was a fighting machine meant for destruction, but it soon gained sentience, and went underground, where it protected the remaining wildlife of the planet. This project was created over the course of 4-ish days (not including the robot), but it can be done in 2 if you work on it a lot, and it was as fun as it was challenging. If you want to 3D print this design, or make a design similar to this on your own, I recommend that you try to keep your designs as simple as possible (A simple way to test this is if your design takes a decently long time to load, then you should try to make it simpler). Try to use a little shapes or hole shapes to make when making the objects that you will use. Other than that, this how I created this scene from scratch.


Access to a computer.

Step 1: Set Up

Set the unit of measurements to millimeters and set the width and length of your work plane to 500 by 500. You will also need to make a new project, if you haven't done so already

Step 2: Robot

I created the robot by using boxes. Imagine that the boxes are like pieces of wood, and each piece of wood is like a body part of the robot. The way you would make the body parts of the robot is by carving the boxes into them using the "hole" shapes. I won't go into full detail on how I made the robot, but I will give a general Idea of how I made it. To see how I made the robot, please check out the youtube video attached ( . First, you need to make the basic shape of the body parts. Do this by making the box that you will be carving the relative size of the body part that you will be carving into. Then, using "hole" shapes, turn the box into the basic shape of the body part you are making. Then, make the armor of the robot using the same process that was used to make the body of the robot. You can also create other characters using this same process.

Step 3: Rocks

The rocks will be very important for this scene, so you will need to make multiple different rocks. To make the rocks, you can use boxes, and by carving out areas of the box by using "hole" boxes to carve out the shape of the rock. Try to make the surface(s) of the rock uneven to make it look realistic. Also, try not make too many sharp edges. Then, change the color of the rocks to hues of grey.

Step 4: Base/Floor

To create the base/floor of the cave, you can use some of the rocks created from the last step to make the floor. To start off, use a cylinder as a baseplate to plan out the shape of the floor. Then, using the rocks, expand and flatten some of the rocks to create the floor. Do this to multiple rocks, then put them together to make the floor of the cave on the cylinder to get its shape. You can now also delete the cylinder that you used as a baseplate.

Step 5: Pond

To make the pond, enlarge and use some the rocks that you created, or increase the height of some of the "floor" rocks to make the edges of the pool. Create the perimeter of the pond by using the rocks. The pond should be on the left side of the floor. You can also level some of the areas of the floor by increasing the height of some of the floor rocks, or just adding some rocks and enlarging them. This will add the feel of the terrain. Then, to make the water, use cylinders to make fill in the area where the pond would be. You can use multiple cylinders to fill in the pond, but just make sure to group the shapes. Duplicate that shape, and make one of those shapes light blue and transparent, and then make the other shape dark blue and not transparent. place the transparent shape on top of the none transparent shape, then place both of the shapes in the area of the pond. Then, you are done with the base/floor and pond of the cave.

Step 6: Trunk

To make the main trunk of the tree, use hollowed out round roofs to make the tree trunk segment. Once you have created your tree segment, duplicate it, scale it down, and angle the newly created segment to make a part of the tree. Make sure that the new tree trunk segment is on the end of previous tree trunk segment. Keep on doing this until the you have a drooping tree trunk shape (just repeatedly press the duplicate button until you get the shape of the tree). Add color to the tree's segments (use hues of brown), then set this aside for now.

Step 7: Main Branches

To make the main branches of the tree, duplicate some of the tree trunk segments and scale them down. To make smaller branches, either scale down some of the tree trunk segments until they are relatively small, or duplicate smaller tree trunk segments. To make larger branches, duplicate large tree trunk segments, then scale them down, but just so that they are larger than the other branches. Make a least six main branches, and when you are done making all of your branches, give them color and attach them to the main tree trunk.

Step 8: Roots

To make the roots of the tree, you will need to make a root segment. To make a root segment, cut out the shape of root segment on a half-paraboloid. You do this by using "hole" boxes or hollowed out round roofs, and using the same process that you used to make the rocks, you can make the root segments. To make larger root segments, distort or expand the root segment, and to make a smaller root segments, scale down normal sized root segment that you made. Try not to make your roots look blocky. Make multiple root segments, and make them all different from each other. To make a full root, either just use the root segment to make a root that is jutting out of the tree, or duplicate that root segment, scale the segment down, angle the root a bit (or don't), and repeat until you get the root like in the picture above (middle right if you are looking at all the pictures). Once you are done making all your roots, make them hues of brown, and attach them to the main tree trunk. Then, place the whole tree on the cave floor. You may also want to rearrange your roots so that they fit with the cave floor.

Step 9: Branches With Leaves

To make the smaller branches with leaves on them, either duplicate some of the tree trunk segments again, or make new segments for the branches. If you are making new "branch segments", make them small and straight. Then, to make the branches, use the branch segments to make a whole branch. Add small protrusions and leaves to the small branches. If you want to create your own leaves, you can make them by carving out the shape of a leaf on a box shape in Tinkercad or using the scribble shape, then flattening the box to create the leaf. Make multiple variations of these branches, and duplicate and make lots of them. Spread out the branches evenly throughout the tree. You don't need to put branches in the back because they will be covered up later on.

Step 10: Vines

To make the vine on the tree, use cylinders as the main vine. You can also add leaves created for branches to the main vine to make it look more real. To make the orbs that will be added to the vine, use a sphere, and create a smaller sphere in the center of the larger orb. Make the larger sphere a transparent pink, and smaller center sphere to a purplish pink color. Then, once you are done, add the vines and vines to the main tree.

Step 11: Plants and Mushrooms

The plants and mushrooms are pretty easy to make. For the stems, you can use cylinders or bent pipes. For leaves and petals of the plants and flowers, use a round roof, and another round roof to hollow out the other one. This will serve as the basic curved shape of the leaf or flower. To make look of the leaf, just carve out the shape on round roof shape you just made. You can also make other plants such as cattails using the other shapes that Tinkercad has given you to make these plants. For the flowers, just surround a center with petals (where the seed would be if this was a real flower). Petals are made using the same process as the leaves. You can also add styluses and things that you would find on a flower. For other plants, just make one large leaf, or multiple small leaves to make one plant. You can also add other things to the plants, like feelers, protrusions, etc. For inspiration, you can look at different mushrooms to make in Tinkercad. Then, once you are done with all the mushrooms and plants, place them on the cave floor. Place the plants and mushrooms in groups around the cave floor.

OPTIONAL: To make moss, just flatten some spheres, and arrange them to look like moss. The more flattened spheres there are, the more realistic the moss will look. Don't make the flattened spheres to big though, otherwise they will just look like a bunch of green flat stones. Add color to the moss once you are done.

Step 12: Roof and Walls of the Cave

To make the roof of the cave, create rocks, just like on the fourth step. Turn rock so the flat side is facing outwards away from the central area, which would be the cave floor. Flatten and expand the rock to create the cave wall. Do this multiple times until the wall create a sort of half circle. For roof, hollow out one of the rocks and flatten it. Then, add a hole to the top of the roof so "sunlight" can pass through. Don't make the hole too big. You can also add small details to the interior of the walls, such as ledges with plants growing on them, and maybe a few nests or burrows that animals will live in.

Step 13: Birds (Part 1)

The animals that will be made will all be made in parts. First, to make the body of the bird. To make the body of the bird, elongate a sphere. To make the head of the bird, just use a sphere for the head, and for the beak, use a cone. After that, add other small details to the bird's body. I didn't do this until later on, but I recommend you do this before you do anything else. You can add plumes, multiple eyes, and so on. Add color to the body.

Step 14: Birds (Part 2) : Wings and Feet/Talons

To make the wings of the bird, depending on what the bird is doing, use two paraboloids, and make one of the paraboloids longer than the other. Duplicate this "feather" and angle the feather, and you can also elongate or scale down the size of the feather. Make sure they are all connected to one point. Keep on pressing the duplicate button until you get the feather that you want. This wing will be the wing used for flying. To make a wing that isn't being used for flying, just use one big "feather" to make a wing that isn't being used for flying. You can also give your bird multiple wings to make the bird seem more alien. To make the feet of the bird, use cylinders as the feet of the bird, and for the talons, use a combination cones and spheres. Put the feet/talons together. Then, when you are done with the wings and feet, attach them to the body of the bird. Then, add color to the bird's wings and feet, and you are done with the bird. Place some of the flying birds in front of the tree, and place some of the non-flying birds throughout the scene, mainly on the trees, and some of the ledges.

Step 15: Fish

The fish will only need one part to be made. To make a fish, use paraboloids again. For the body and the head, use two paraboloids. Shorten one of them to make the head (shorter paraboloid) and body (longer paraboloid) of the fish. For fins and tail of the fis carve out the shape of the fin in a box shape. You can also create more intricate fin and tail designs using the scribble shape. Then, you can add other details to the fish, such as large/multiple eyes, gills, multiple fins, and "glowing" spikes or bulges. Finally, add color and place the fishes in the pond next to the robot.

Step 16: Lizard (Part 1) : Body, Head, and Legs

To make the head of a lizard, use paraboloids. Make one of the paraboloids smaller than the other, and then use a tube to flatten out the sides of the head of the lizard. For the main body of the lizard, use an elongated sphere and flatten out the top of the body using a tube. Add other small details to the head and body of the lizard, such as multiple eyes, frills, etc. To make the legs, use elongated spheres to make the legs of the lizard. To make the feet, use two paraboloids and make one longer than the other. Cut the shape in half. Using these "toes", make the foot for the lizard. Add the color to the body, head, and legs of the lizard, and attach the head and legs to the body of the lizard

Step 17: Lizard (Part 2) : Tail

To make the tail, use paraboloids, and flatten the sides using tubes. These will be the segments that will make up the tail. Then, to make the entire tail. duplicate the tail segment, and scale down the segments by two millimeters. Make at least nine segments for the tail. You can also angle the tail segments to give the tail its shape. You can also add small details to the tail, like spikes, spots, etc. Then, add color to the tail of the lizard, and then attach the tail to the body of the lizard, and then you are done with the lizard. Place the lizards throughout the scene, mainly on the sides of rocks, tree, and pond.

Step 18: Extras

Thank you for checking out my instructable. It took a lot of time and work, and I hope you enjoyed making this scene and how it looks. It was a lot of fun. I also recommend that you try to make your own scenes and characters in Tinkercad. It can help you to become better at using the platform, and also show you new and different ways you can create things on Tinkercad. If you have any questions on how I made this scene, you can ask them in the Discussions area at the bottom of this Instructable, I will try to answer them as soon as possible.