Introduction: The Fish Tank

This will be the final product of all your work. Hope you have fun doing it!

Step 1: What You Need

First you start out with one plastic bottle, scissors, super glue, and things to design your tank.

Step 2: Cutting Out Your Fish Tank

The second step is to cut on the black lines.

Step 3: After Cutting

This is what it should like like after you have cut the bottle.

Step 4: Decorating

The third step is to decorate the bottom part of your bottle.(Before you put the top on because thats the next step.)

Step 5: Connecting

The forth step is to connect the top of the water bottle with the bottom of the water bottle with super glue.

Step 6: Makeing Legs

The fifth step is to cut out legs for your tank. Then super glue them on.

Step 7: You Are Now Done

Finally you are done and can now fill it with water and get a fish.