Introduction: Throwing Pipe

About: My name is Joshua O'Meara. I like iPhones (and other similar devices), swimming, soccer, carpentry, running, and other outdoor activities.
The throwing pipe is like a throwing knife only it is made out of pipe. Here's how to make one.

Step 1: Supplies

You will need: A pipe at least 3 inches long A hacksaw A file Optional: A weight and hotglue A vice A saw guide

Step 2: Cutting

Measure the pipe in your hand and see what feels like a good length. The cut the pipe there. You can add a little design to this part. This will not be the point of the pipe.

Step 3: Filing

File the edges so they are not so sharp.

Step 4: More Cutting

Now it is time to cut the tip. Cut the tip at a 45 degree angle or less.

Step 5: More Filing

File the tip to be as sharp as possible.

Step 6: Finishing Touches

You can file the handle or add a wrap. I added weight to the front of the pipe. I took three of the biggest fishing weights I could find and hotglued them inside the tip of the pipe. Then I spray painted the tip red.
Weekend Projects Contest

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