Introduction: Tilgul- Winter Special Energy Snack

Tilgul is basically energy snack specially made on 14th of jan on occasion of Makar Sankranti. this snack is very usful in winter.
this festive desert snack uses sesame seeds (Ti) and Jaggery (Gul) as its main ingredients.
this snack keep the body warm in the winter.
Tilgul are very easy to prepare

2 cup sesame seeds
1 cup peanuts
1 cup dry shredded coconut
2 tsp poppy seeds
3 1/4 cup jaggery
2/3 tbsp water
2 tbsp Ghee (or unsalted butter)
1/4 tsp cardamom powder
1/4 tsp nutmeg powder

Step 1:

roast sesame seeds on medium heat (we should get only slight color change)
roast peanuts so that skin of peanuts can be removed easily
roast shredded coconut till light brown
roast poppy seeds till light brown

Step 2:

remove the skin of roasted peanuts
slightly crush them
slightly crush roasted sesame seeds, poppy seeds and coconut in a mixer
mix peanut mixture and this mixture together and keep it aside

Step 3:

take jaggery in a thick bottomed vessel and switch on gas
add water and ghee/butter
keep stirring
soon jaggery melts and starts boiling
when it starts boiling add cardamom powder and nutmeg powder
then add peanuts= sesame mixture
turn off heat
pour mixture in a greased tray
when the mixture cools slightly, cut with knife to get small tilgul bars
when it totally cools we can remove bars from tray and are ready to eat
these bar can last 5/6 days
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