Introduction: Tips & Tricks - Back 2 School Edition
here are 15 of the best tips and tricks that I could think of...
Please vote for me in the back to school contest!
Please vote for me in the back to school contest!
Step 1: Eat a Good Breakfast.
Eat a good breakfast and your brain will be good and active all day long
You could eat a bowl of cereal, bacon, eggs, toast, doughnuts, pop tarts, toaster strudals, whatever floats you boat. Drink a good cup of coffee, orange juice, whatever, but DO NOT WHATEVER YOU DO DRINK A ENERGY DRINK! those thigs are PURE EVIL!
You could eat a bowl of cereal, bacon, eggs, toast, doughnuts, pop tarts, toaster strudals, whatever floats you boat. Drink a good cup of coffee, orange juice, whatever, but DO NOT WHATEVER YOU DO DRINK A ENERGY DRINK! those thigs are PURE EVIL!
Step 2: Do Your Homework
Do your homework no matter how tedius. 1 zero is not ok even if you make 100s all the time
[ 0 + 100 + 100 ] / 3 = 66% a "F"!
Step 3: Extra Credit If Fun. Kinda...
I found this formula online to make 2+2=5. I'll show it to mr./mrs. ____________ to get extra credit!
Step 4: Annoying Notebook Tear Out Tab-like Thingies
I hate these. SO here is how to get rid of them.
you need:
~Annoying notebook tear out tab-like thingies (to clean up)
get tape and with stickie side down dab the annoying notebook tear out tab-like thingies and the will stick! pick them up and dispose of.
you need:
~Annoying notebook tear out tab-like thingies (to clean up)
get tape and with stickie side down dab the annoying notebook tear out tab-like thingies and the will stick! pick them up and dispose of.
Step 5: Lunch Money
Don't for get it. you can hide it in you sock to avoid the classic bullie "gimmie your lunch money" scene.
mine is about 2 1/2 Euros
Step 6: Binders
Use binders. Need I say more? Put you name and teacher and grade on it. (I turned my name sheets backwards for privacy issues...)
Step 7: Pencil Pouches.
Cary a pencil pouch with pencils, pens, colered pencils, hi-lighters, and scissors with you.
Step 8: Hi-light in Your Book(s)
As you read, hi-light the important parts. this way if you need to study, you can look for the "nuggets" of info.
Step 9: Charge Your Phone Up
Charge you phone.
Step 10: Color Code
Color code. For me this seems to work...
Step 11: Bring Water
I bring to school to drink in class.
Step 12: Bring a Snack
Bring a snack to munch on between classes
I like rasins
I like rasins
Step 13: Bring Something to Entertain You in Recess
Bring something to entertain you in recess. Bouncy balls are good.
Step 14: Make Your Binder Floppy
Make your binder floppy to save space in your locker.
Remove the cardoard board from the sides and the back by cutting the top of the binder. ( see pictures )
Remove the cardoard board from the sides and the back by cutting the top of the binder. ( see pictures )
Step 15: Bring Reading Materials
If you get done with your work in class and you have free time, you can read it.