Introduction: Toddler Stool With Only Used Things

Hello people, I am Ash. I am a craft-lover who just got inspired to make recycled products when I learnt about concepts like the environment, climate change, recycling, sustainability and the circular economy at school. Apart from writing long essays on these topics, I've always liked to try and implement my learning in the daily life so as to aid in combating those pressing issues. I am 20 and currently pursuing a degree in Accounting and Finance. So, I am no-tech guy. Yet, I am so keen to engage in small recycling projects at home as a hobby to help contribute and save Mother Earth. I am pretty sure that there are so many students like me who are not in the technological field and yet would want to contribute for our planet.

My project would be a very simple one and can be classified as a project for kids, adolescents or a parent-child project that can be enjoyed by any category of person using simply some recycled stuffs and not involving any tech expertise or harmful substances. I would be making a simple Toddler Stool using 3 used things: Pringles containers, a shopping bag and a glass-holder.


4 Pringles Containers (or more)

1 medium sized cloth shopping bag

1 glass-holder or any base made from a firm material

a glue gun or any glue for fabric, plastics

a layer of sponge (optional)

Reusable adhesive like Blu Tack (optional)

Step 1: Find Your Pringles Containers

Let's go! Take out 4 used Pringles Containers from your box of recycled materials. Ensure that their caps are still there. Get your glue gun and apply some glue at the border of the caps to firmly stick them to their respective container. This is to ensure that when the stool is ready and we sit on it, the pressure of the weight of the person doesn't make the container get misplaced with their caps getting detached. Of course, apart from the Pringles Containers, any used containers of cylindrical shape could serve purpose. Also, the more Pringles Containers are used, the more weight the Stool can hold and the greater the stability of the Stool.

Step 2: Where Is My Old Bag?

Find yourself an old cloth bag which you would have dumped in the bin for being too old, zips broken, getting dirty or simply because you got yourself a better and more trendy one from the market. If the state is too dilapidated, kindly wash or give it a coat of fresh paint with your creativity design on the front part. Note that the thicker the bag, the better it is as less additional materials like sponge layer would be required.

Step 3: Don't Throw Plastic Please

There you go, another plastic product which would have taken more than 100 years to decompose in the dumping area. Yes, let's grant it a new life. This is basically a plastic glass-holder which is strong enough and durable as well to serve as a base shape for the cloth bag.

Step 4: 3D Modelling Using Tinkercad

Tinkercad ! Our free and easy-to-use app for 3D design. It's the first time I used this fun-filled app. It was obvious that I had to have an overview as to how the design of the stool would be eventually. So, I made use of the suggested app Tinkercad and certainly, so easy was it to use. It worked at the first instance, no user interface problems and easy navigation for a first-time user. This app could be a great one for my designs for my computer modules at the university as well. Surely, should you try as well!

Step 5: Placing the Glass Holder Inside the Bag

Let's step in. Slide the glass holder in the bag completely. Press at the outline of the glass holder to give the cloth bag the shape of the glass holder until it appears nice to see with a definite shape. For me, the glass holder fitted properly within the bag size and therefore no glue was required as such to keep the glass holder intact. I could easily make out the desired shape. But if the bag was not almost of same size as the glass holder, then some glue should have been applied on the glass holder to ensure that the glass holder stays in place within the bag. Also, if the surface doesn't appear good to sit on as a bench, modifications may be made. For instance, a thin sponge layer may be added to add comfort while sitting. In my case, that was not a requisite since the bag texture itself was quite thick in front and I found it cosy to sit on. After putting all required materials inside of bag, Zip it if possible. Otherwise glue the 2 sides to close the bag to ensure that the stuffs don't come out.

Step 6: Positioning and Gluing the Containers to the Bag

Then, turn the backside of the bag in front. On a flat surface, position the cylindrical containers in symmetry on top of the bag. Use the capped part of the container since it has a nice base area with smooth surface. Adjust the containers in such a manner that stability is maintained when put upside down. If unsure about the stability, you may use reusable adhesive like Blu Tack to temporarily stick the caps to the bag and then turn upside down for preview. If stable, then apply some glue with a glue gun to the caps and stick firmly to the bag after finalizing the position of the containers which would serve as legs for the stool.

Step 7: Our Toddler Stool Is Ready

Turn the stool upright and there it is, our handmade Toddler Stool made from simple recycled materials. You might have noticed that I left the big pair of handles of the bag. I actually liked the macrame impression the handle ropes left on the stool. I left the design and handles of the bag and the Pringles Containers as they were since I wanted to see in original form. But, let us say you are not liking the design of the Pringles Container, you may simply apply a fresh coat of paint to it to change the outlook of the stool. Or, if you want your Toddler Stool to have a more childlike appearance, you can use a comic bag or simply enjoy yourself with some creativity paintings of Spiderman. Making the bag food-themed would be another fun with the Pringles Containers.

Step 8: Safety First

Well, you might be wondering whether the Stool is too fragile or not. Let me tell you that I sat on it to watch the TV playing in the living room downstairs from the corridors upstairs. Rest assured that this small Stool can hold above 40 kg as I am around of 42.5 kg. Definitely your kid would be safe sitting and playing on it or even a teen. Just ensure that the parts have been assembled firmly and properly for safety purposes.

Step 9: Let's Step Into the Circular Economy

Yes, yes, yes! Creativity and Personalisation! Fabricate your own nice little things in your little world, at the same time caring for Mother Earth. Yess, no new materials in use, only the used ones may be used to create even the most beautiful and satisfying crafts in the world. The idea here is basically "using small used things to create bigger new things" or "using big old things to create new small things". Let's live in a world where minimum waste is generated. I would encourage all my little friends to try saving the world with me by engaging themselves in simple gestures like waste minimisation, home recycling, technology adoption and sensitizing others.

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