Introduction: Tractor-cardboarder

About: I wb in Belgorod Russia. In 2002 I graduated from Belgorod STU mechanical engineering and CAD. In 2004 I'v defended the dissertation "CAD for ball mill". I am a lecturer in BSTU. My hobby is 3D and &…

I like to use paper to make models of different types of technical units (especially war machines). So this contest is a real challenge for me. My new object is absolutely civil facility, but it has caterpillars ;-)

And we don't need any glue in this project.

Step 1: Tools and Materials

  • cardboard sheets (4 mm width);
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • paper knife;
  • awl;
  • needle file (small rasp);
  • scissors;
  • PC, printer and 5 A4 sheets to print base drawings;
  • old wooden board (~ A3 size) as a work plane for cutting operations.

Step 2: Printing Base Drawings

It is possible to draw all sketches we need directly on cardboard sheets. But more convenient way (as I think) is to print all drawings on plain paper and then transfer it to cardboard using awl.

So you need to have 5 drawing: Bumper_Pipe_Trucks, Cabin, Engine, Frame, Wheels_Axes.

Download links for drawings (in pdf): variant 1(google drive), variant 2 (yandex drive)

Step 3: Transferring Drawings to a Cardboard

Use the next sequence to transfer all the drawings on cardboard : 1) put the cardboard on the old wooden board; 2) put the drawing on cardboard; 3) make holes in key vertexes through the paper using awl; 4) remove the paper drawing from the cardboard; 5) connect holes on the cardboard using ruler and pencil.

Step 4: Cut Parts Out of the Cardboard

Step 5: 'Engine' Bending

I strongly recommend to press backside of the cardboard along the fold line before bending.

Step 6: 'Engine' and 'Frame' Connection

Step 7: 'Cabin' Bending

Step 8: 'Cabin' and 'Frame' Connection

Be attentive that you need to bend engine part a bit to insert lapels on the backside of 'Cabin'.

Step 9: 'Axes' and 'Engine' Connection

Step 10: 'Wheels' and 'Axes' Connection

The distance between wheels on each side will be adjusted later.

Step 11: 'Tracks' Bending

Step 12: 'Trucks' and 'Wheels' Connection

Step 13: 'Bumper' Bending

Step 14: 'Bumper' and 'Engine' Connection

Step 15: 'Pipe' End 'Engine' Connection

Step 16: Tractor-cardboarder Is Ready!

Cardboard Challenge

Second Prize in the
Cardboard Challenge