Introduction: Travel Earring Booklet Tutorial!

About: I'm an aspiring author, substitute teacher, avid adventurer, & I love crafting anything and everything!

Things you will need:

-a few pieces of felt
-string of your choice

To decorate:
-foam stickers
-anything really :D

Step 1: 1. Assembling Booklet!

Line felt up, crease middle, then thread binding securely.

To attach closure: In the video I simply glued it on, but you could stitch it on as well.

Step 2: 2. Decorate!

After you have assembled the binding and closure securely, then you can decorate you cover with as little or as many things as you wish.

Step 3: 3. Add Earrings!

To put in earrings all you have to do is puncture holes through the felt as space is needed.