Introduction: Trump & Bernie - Easter Eggs

About: From the kitchen to the woodshop, follow us as we take on new crafts and share what we learn along the way. We are a young Swedish American couple living with our curious little pup Francis. Follow us on Insta…

Politics have been getting pretty 'scrambled' lately, so we decided to have fun this Easter with some Politician Eggs that you may recognize! Using the right colored yarn, you can eggify pretty much any celebrity or political figure that has an iconic hairdo. It's a quick and fun project, with the added bonus of being able to eat it for breakfast when you're done!

Step 1: Assemble Materials

What you'll need:

1) Eggs

2) Yarn

3) Supporting props (peeps!)

4) Black sharpie

5) Glue Stick & Scissors

Step 2: Boil Eggs

It's much easier to handle the eggs if they have been boiled. So throw a few eggs in a pot and boil them through, make sure not to over-boil them as that can cause the eggs to crack. Typically it only takes 6-8 minutes. We recommend boiling extras in case of accidents!

Step 3: Glue the Hair On!

Jump right in. Pull the threads of yarn apart, and then position them onto the egg. There is no secret to this step, and it can take time to get the hair just right. Take your time. If you are struggling with crooked or curly yarn, try using a little water to straighten it out. Once you get the hair how you think you will want it, you can start gluing it in place. Be careful touching other parts of the egg with your gluey fingers! This step can get messy and frustrating, but keep playing with it until you have it right.

Step 4: Draw the Face

Use the sharpie to draw on the face. Make sure you've washed your hands of all glue at this point. Try the face drawing on a piece of paper ahead of time to make sure you are confident before you move onto the edge. If you make mistakes, you can try wiping it off with a wet cloth, but it may smear which means you have to move to your back-up egg.

Step 5: Photo Shoot

Ready for your close up? We used little rubber hose rings to keep the eggs standing up, and for the final shots we ended up building a small stage by covering a column of rubber rings with construction paper. We printed out an American flag for backdrop, and then posed our crowds of peeps for the political rally! We ended up doing some touch-ups on Bernie's glasses since, they smudged a bit.

We hope you enjoyed this fun Easter Instructables! We would love to see what kind of fun eggs or celebrity recreations you come up with. Check out more of our projects on our Instagram @craft.curious.

Step 6: