Introduction: Tuna Fish With Calcium Cookies for Dog and Cat

About: When things don't go the way I want, I still hear my father say: ‘There is no such word as can’t.’ The things I make, I make thanks to him. He taught me how to bake and paint and everything in between, I got h…
Except for ourselves, I bake cookies for our two dogs and cats too. One of our dogs gets skin problems from peanuts so I bake cookies with tuna or cheese. This time I chose tuna because then I can also make cookies for our two cats because our cats don’t like cheese.

These cookies are simple and quick to make. You only need three ingredients. This recipe is enough for 26 dog biscuits and 26 cat biscuits. The cookies can be kept in the fridge for a week and can be frozen as well.


200 g of flour
1 can of tuna in oil in 200 g
1 egg (option including shell for Calcium)

Baking paper
Baking tray
Mortar (not necessary if you don’t use the eggshell)

Oven 170° Celsius; for cat treats 10 min, for dog biscuits 20 min

Step 1: The Dough

Wash the egg thoroughly and dry. Break the egg.
Option: Rinse the eggshell again, dry and remove the white membrane. Crush the eggshell into a fine powder in a mortar. I use the eggshell for extra Calcium in the cookies. You can omit this step.

Open the can of tuna and collect the oil in a bowl or cup.
Weigh flour in a large bowl and add egg, crushed eggshell and tuna.
Now knead into a smooth dough. Use the collected oil if the dough is too dry.

Step 2: Making and Baking Cookies

For the cat
Shape the dough into 26 small balls: pea size and press flat to a diameter of about 1 cm. Place the cookies on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake in about 10 minutes in a preheated oven at 170° Celsius. The cookies are ready when they start coloring

For the dog
Divide the dough into 26 equal parts and make roll into balls. Press the balls flat in your palm to a diameter of 4 to 5 cm. Place the cookies on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and bake in about 20 minutes in a preheated oven at 170° Celsius. The cookies are ready when they start coloring
Cookies Contest

Participated in the
Cookies Contest