Introduction: Turn Fabric Scraps Into Flowers!

I always have scraps stuck to every surface after I'm finished with a sewing project. Any time I move to throw them away I hear my mother's voice in my head telling me not to waste something still usable. So what better mother's day gift than to turn things that would have been wasted into art?

This is a great way to use scraps left over from a project to decorate anything. For this project, I made a flower for a headband, but they can be used on bags, flip flops, clothing. Get creative!

Step 1: Materials

Scraps of fabric, in as many sizes or colors as you want. Jersey fabric (t-shirt fabric) is great for this project, as the raw edges don't unravel.

Needle and thread


Pins or buttons for the center of the flower (optional)

This project is very open to creativity, so go wild with your materials! Neon pink, black velvet, shimmery satin, use them all! Maybe even together!

Step 2: The Base Petals

Take four rectangular scraps of the color you want to be the base. These will be the largest of the petals.

Cut the rectangles into ovals.

One oval at a time, do a running stitch through the center. Your running stich should be very loose with only one knot on the end, so that when you pull on the thread, you can make the material bunch or "gather".

Do this will all four of the ovals.

Then place the ovals on top of each other so that it looks like a flower. (See pictures below if you are confused.)

Step 3: The Smaller Petals

As you did with the base petals, cut TWO (not four this time) smaller rectangles of a different fabric.

Cut these smaller rectangles into ovals.

Gather them with a running stitch as described in step 2.

Place one on top of the other so that they form a plus (+) sign.

Sew them together, then sew them on top of the base petals.

Step 4: Embellish As Needed

For this project, I added a cute pin to the center of the flower, and some lacy fabric underneath. Then I just hot glued it to a headband.

You can put buttons, pins, anything you like in the center to spice it up. Or leave it alone for a more subdued look.

Step 5: Other Uses

Here's some other ways to use the flowers.

For the ones on the pink skirt, I used only two petals each, and didn't make them into ovals so they would curl when I washed them.

If you would like to learn how to make the t-shirt bags in the pictures below, please see my other instructables.

Please leave me any comments, I am new to writing these and would appreciate the constructive criticism.
Mother's Day Contest

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Mother's Day Contest