Introduction: Two Ingredient Frozen Delight

It is a healthy frozen fruity delight made of mangoes and banana. Completely vegan and delicious.

Step 1: Collect Your Ingredients

1 and a half banana (sliced and frozen), pulp of one mango (Quantity can be adjusted), a few pieces of mango for later.

Step 2: Preparation

Add frozen banana and mango pulp in a mixer and blitz. Fill them up in desired moulds along with mango pieces and chill in your freezer.

Step 3: Ready to Relish

Place the moulds under tap water and unmould. Enjoy your frozen fruity delight.

Summer #mikehacks Contest

Participated in the
Summer #mikehacks Contest

squeeze more awesome out of summer contest

Participated in the
squeeze more awesome out of summer contest

Frozen Treats Contest

Participated in the
Frozen Treats Contest