Introduction: Two Ingredient Ice Cream, No Ice Cream Machine! ¦ the Corner of Craft

About: I like to make and bake things! I upload a new video every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday on my YouTube channel. My favourite mediums are crochet, beadweaving and macramé. I do also love tea and cupcakes, althou…

This ice cream base is so easy to make! You only need two ingredients to make a deliciously cream ice cream that's easy to scoop, right out of the freezer. You can add any additional ingredients that you like to fully customise your ice cream. Absolutely delicious.

Step 1: Ingredients

You will need:

450ml double cream (U.S heavy cream)
1 x 397g tin condensed milk.

That's it!!

Step 2: Whipping the Cream

Using a stand mixer or a hand mixer, whip the double cream until you have stiff peaks. Be sure that it doesn't over-mix though as that's how butter is made!

Step 3: Add the Condensed Milk...

Add in the full tin of condensed milk. Use a spatula to scrape out all of the deliciousness :D

Step 4: And Whisk!

Whisk the two together until it is fully combined. Be sure to scrape the bottom of your bowl if you're using a stand mixer to ensure that the two ingredients are fully combined.

Step 5: Then Customise!

Add any additional ingredients that you like to make endless unique flavours.

In the video, I show you how to make peaches and cream, strawberries and cream and cookies and cream (sense a theme?) Of these three, the cookies and cream was by far my favourite!

Let me know what flavours you come up with, I'd love to try out some more.