Introduction: Two Ingredient Mango Orange Ice Pop

Looking for a perfect summer treat? Look no more because everybody, especially kids, loves this natural/healthy treat! This refreshing summer treat made up of only two ingredients will leave you yearning for more.

Step 1: Ingredients

You will need
1 scoop of mango sorbet
1 cup of orange juice
1 blender or hand blender ( i used a hand blender)
1 paper cup and popsicle stick or a popsicle maker

this recipe makes only 1 mango orange ice pop

Step 2: Adding the Mango Sorbet

Add a scoop of  mango sorbet into your mixing cup or blender.

Step 3: Adding the OJ

Add the orange juice  into the mixing cup or blender with the mango sorbet already inside.

Step 4: Blending

Blend the mango sorbet and the orange juice together.

Step 5: Pouring

Option1: Pour the mixture into a paper cup and insert a popsicle stick into it. ( i used a plastic spoon in the picture.

Option 2: Pour the mixture into a popsicle maker.

Step 6: Freeze

Put the paper cup with the popsicle stick or the popsicle maker into the freezer. Wait for the magic to happen.

Step 7: Enjoy

Tear the paper cup form the frozen pop and enjoy this refreshing ice pop! Be sure to vote for me!
Frozen Treats Contest

Participated in the
Frozen Treats Contest