Introduction: Undersea Lab
cut a tube in halve and then size it to the appropriate size, add a bent pipe to the end of the halve tube,
change the angle of the pipe until it matches the one above,
Step 1: Propellers
add a propeller with however many blades you want
Step 2: Propeler
add a cylinder and sg revolver in the formation you see above change the sg until it connects to the pipe
Step 3: Finish Propeller
add a small cylinder in the center of the propeller. connect that to another larger cylinder which connects to a multipoint cylinder which connects to the aforementioned cylinder
Step 4: Add Body
make a large tube and connect a paraboloid
Step 5: Symmetry
make a second wing on the other side and add shelves by adding a small box into the wall of the cylinder add any shapes you want on top
Step 6: Artifacts
add shelves by adding a small box into the wall of the cylinder add any shapes you want on top
Step 7: Color
color all the shape whatever color you want