Introduction: Urban Sea X-mas Tree

About: Working mainly as a Full Stack Web Developer, in my free time I enjoy relaxing far, far away from the tech world. Since I was a child, my hobby is to create things. Concerned about the future and the abuse of …

Working mainly as a Full Stack Web Developer, in my free time I enjoy relaxing far, far away from the tech world. Since I was a child, my hobby is to create things. Concerned about the future and the abuse of human nature, I decided to experiment and work primarily with wood which most people would consider waste - recycling, recycling, and again - recycling. My favorite material to use is broken or old furniture, driftwood, timber salvaged from demolished buildings, or anything wooden that could be re-used.

Last X-mas I decided to bring some summer spirit at home and made myself a reusable x-mas tree from driftwood pieces, collected from the seaside.

So lets start... Go out! Have a walk in the nature. By the sea or river.
Collect pieces of driftwood and shells.

Step 1: What You Need

1. Driftwood sticks - the number and shapes depending on your project. A bigger and heavier piece is needed for the base.

2. A broken wire hanger or just any piece of wire for the base

3. А pair of pliers to bend the end of the wire

4. A drill to make holes in the wooden sticks

5. Seashells and cord for the decoration (optional)

That's all! Have a Joyful And Peaceful Christmas :-)

Homemade Gifts Contest 2016

Participated in the
Homemade Gifts Contest 2016

Wooden Toys Challenge 2016

Participated in the
Wooden Toys Challenge 2016

First Time Authors Contest 2016

Participated in the
First Time Authors Contest 2016