Introduction: Using Home Materials to Build Car Toy

Hi Guys this is very easy home made car toy, the idea is trying to help the kids to build their own toys using only home materials, and whenever you get a broken car toy or torch you can save the gears and dynamo from the toy car, so you can be ready to built your own toy cars.

Prepare the material using home material:

  1. Straw
  2. BBQ Stick
  3. Bottle top
  4. Carton Box
  5. Glue
  6. Lighter
  7. Battery
  8. Tape
  9. CD's
  10. Dynamo from broken car toy
  11. Torch

Step 1: Make the Wheel Using CD and Bottle Top

make the wheel using CD and the bottle top and pasten them together using tape and the glue. cut carton box to paste it in between the bottle and the CD

Step 2: Put BBQ Stick and Attach Them to the Wheel

Using the BBQ stick to attach between to wheels

Step 3: Using Carton Box to Make the Chassis

Cut cartoon box with an acceptional size for the chassis and paste it to the straw using tape and the glue and put the to the wheel that you have made into the staw.

Step 4: Put Another Wheel and Connect Them With the Chassis

make another wheel using the bottle top, carton, and the CD. attach the new wheel into the wheel which already put inti the straw

Step 5: Find a Broken Torch and Take the Gears Out

Using a specific broken torch shown in the picture (as you can see that there are gears inside that you can use) and take out the gears to attach them for making front wheels

Step 6: Using Broken Car Toys and Take Out the Motor (Dynamo)

Find a broken car which using battery and take the motor out see that if its still work and attach the motor (Dynamo) to the Chassis and find a small battery and attach it also using the tape and glue to the chassis

Step 7: Attach the New Wheels You Have Made for Front Wheel

Using the same ways as I have introduced to make the front wheel and this time you have to attach the BBQ stick to the gear and dynamo, attached them to the CD and put it into the straw which already paste to the Chassis

For the 2 Cables for the motor you can attach them to the batteries using tape or magnet.

Step 8: Make Another Wheel From the CD and Attach It to the Stick

Made another wheel using th same way and attach it to the stick which already assamble inside the straw

Step 9: Using Magnet for the Switch

to on and off u can attach one cable using the tape and whenever you want to switch the car on you can use the magnet on the other side of the baterry and attach the cable. your car toy is ready.

Step 10: This Is the Video

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