Introduction: Using RGB LEDs to Create Color Sequences

About: I have an Associate degree in Electronics Technology from Joliet Junior College . I have worked as an electronic technician in telecommunications and at Commonwealth Edison .Presently ,I enjoy electronics as …

This Instructables will show how to use RGB LEDs to create color sequences by using Arduino Uno and a Code .

The 3 RGB LEDs will change colors during time while the 2 other RGB LEDs will remain the same color .

Step 1: How the RGB LEDs Work and Electronic Components in the Circuit

The electronic components in the circuit are ;

5 RGB LEDs (cathode type)

10 ;1 k resistors(brown,black red))

3; 470 resistors (yellow purple brown)

Arduino Uno


The RGB LEDs(see image 2) are 3 LEDs connected together with a common cathode (negative lead)

The RGB will function when current flows from the anode to the cathode .(see image three)

A resistor is connected before to the anode to control the amount of current flow .

Step 2: The Circuit

Please click on the first image and enlarge it . The first RGB lead (red)is connected to digital pin 11 .

The second lead is the cathode and connected to ground .The third lead (blue) is connected to digital pin 9.

The last lead (green is connected to digital pin 10).The first RGB is the lead RGB it will control the other 2RGBs which are wired to it . Please see all other connections of the circuit (see image) The Code will create the changing color sequence.The Code is image 3

Step 3: The First Color Sequence

The first color sequence is the image above .Please click on this and enlarge

Step 4: The Second Color Sequence

This is the second color sequence .Note that the 3 RGB LEDs have changed color (click on image and enlarge)

Step 5: Third Color Sequence

This is the third color sequence .Note the change of colors (click on image)

Step 6: The Fourth Color Sequence

This is the 4th sequence .Note the color changes (check image)

Step 7: The Fifth Color Sequence

This is the fifth color sequence .Note the change of colors(check image)

Step 8: The Sixth Color Sequence

This is the 6 th color sequence .Note the change in colors( see image above)

Step 9: The Seventh Color Sequence

This i the 7 th color sequence .Note the color changes .(see image)

Step 10: The 3 RGBs Will Turn Off

The 3 RGB LEDs will turn off .The 1st RGB LED stays on. It is a pink color .Note the connections to acquire this color.

The last RGB LED stays on and is light blue .Note the connections to acquire this color .

Step 11: Conclusion

This Instructables shows how you change use RGB LEDs to create a color sequence with Arduino Uno and a Code . (the Code is included above ,last image .)You can see the complete sequence if you click on each image .

This circuit was created on Tinkercad ,It was tested and works .I enjoyed creating the project .I hope it helps you understand RGB LEDs . Thank you

Step 12: RGB Circuit ;color Sequence

This is a RGB circuit .It has a color sequence with a Arduino Code(see video below ;had trouble to upload ,but now it works)